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Workshop II
Women on the Edge: 
 and the Family in Turmoil in the
Twentieth Century

(7 - 8 September 2023)

Women on the Edge Workshop Poster


​Over the 7 – 8 September 2023, the Centre for the History of Medicine at the University of Warwick is hosting a workshop, entitled: “Women on the Edge: Motherhood & the Family in Turmoil in the Twentieth Century". 

The two-day workshop is co-organized by Dr Kelly-Ann Couzens and Professor Hilary Marland, and generously funded by the Wellcome Trust.


With contributions from scholars working in the fields of history, criminology and legal studies, this event aims to grapple with the interplay between motherhood, mental or emotional states and broader themes of criminality, neglect, abandonment and violence within the family in the long twentieth century.


This workshop is particularly interested in the role psychiatric, legal, “expert”, and popular thinking have had in understanding “deviant” female behaviour and its impact upon women themselves, their families and society at large. 


The programme for the workshop can be found here.

Read the summary of the Workshop here.



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